The SALUTE Painting Competition is an annual celebration of the miniature painting hobby and an amazing showcase of entries created by the world’s most talented miniature painters.

Important General Rules & Competition Info:

  • Please bring your entry to the Painting Competition stand on the day of SALUTE.

  • Entry closes at 12 noon, winners will be announced at 3.30pm and entries will be available for collection from 4pm.

  • Please complete one of our new entry forms (link below) to register each of your submitted entries.

  • No more than one entry per category per contestant.

  • Figure scales (e.g. 54mm) are measured from the bottom of the figure’s foot to its eye level.

  • Entries must reasonably be capable of being carried safely by one of our volunteers.

  • Entries which do not fit inside the cabinets (i.e. those more than 30cm tall) or which pose a risk of damaging other entries may be placed on a table next to the cabinets.

  • Entries consisting of many individually based figures must include a movement tray so the entry can be safely and quickly moved to and from the cabinets.

  • Medals will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners in each category and the entry judged to be the Best of Show across all the categories will also receive the SALUTE Shield trophy.

Got to the bottom of this page to see our FAQs list and if you have any other questions please email

  1. Historical Single Figure

  2. Historical Unit

  3. Historical Vehicles, Creatures & Artillery

  4. Sci-Fi Single Figure

  5. Sci-Fi Unit

  6. Sci-Fi Vehicles, Creatures & Artillery

  7. Fantasy Single Figure

  8. Fantasy Unit

  9. Fantasy Vehicles, Creatures & Artillery

  10. Large Scale & Busts

    Any number of figures over 54mm scale or a bust of any size.

  11. Miscellaneous

    Any entry not covered by categories 1 to 10 - including dioramas, battles and duels.

  12. Junior

    Any entry covered by categories 1 to 11 and entered by a person up to and including 16 years old.

  13. SALUTE 51 Figure

    Any entry that incorporates the SALUTE 51 figure of “Stormin’ Annie” in some form.

This year there will be 13 categories:

Single Figure Category Rules

One figure, on foot or mounted on a small creature (e.g. a horse) or vehicle (e.g. a motorbike), up to and including 54mm scale.

Vehicles, Creatures & Artillery Category Rules

Up to 8 figures and models of any scale at least one of which must be a Vehicle (e.g. a siege tower, helicopter or boat), Creature (e.g. an elephant, troll or demon) or Artillery (e.g. a trebuchet, howitzer or tripod-mounted heavy weapon). Overall unit footprint must be 400cm² or less.

Unit Category Rules

Three or more figures, on foot or mounted on a small creature (e.g. a horse) or vehicle (e.g. a motorbike), up to and including 54mm scale. Overall unit footprint must be 400cm² or less.


“Would modern day military minis be classed in the historical? Or would that go into miscellaneous?”

Please submit modern day military units into the Historical category.