Saturday 12th April 2025
Europe’s largest wargaming convention
SALUTE 52 Sponsors:
What’s on:
SALUTE 52 will be held on Saturday 12th April 2025 at the London ExCel and this year’s theme is HIGHLANDERS!
All the UK and International traders you love will be attending the show and many ambitious wargaming clubs will be putting on demonstration and participation games to enjoy in our Game Zones (scroll down to see who’s attending).
And, if you’re one of the first 5000 guests to arrive you will receive our legendary and exclusive Goodie Bag, with this year’s unique SALUTE 52 themed miniature and lots of other goodies!
Salute 52 Miniatures:
Our Official Miniature for SALUTE 52 will be Lieutenant Colonel James Macdonell, best known for his command of the infantry defending the Hougoumont farmhouse at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. The Duke of Wellington himself referred to Macdonell as "the bravest man in the British Army", so if you’re a collector of our event minis then this is one not to miss!
Our Digital Miniature for SALUTE 52 will be this Highlander Mech Pilot. Resplendent in their kilt and carrying a claymore, even in the war-torn future, one can still rock up to battle in style! An STL of this miniature will be made available for FREE to download at SALUTE 52: all you’ll need to do is scan the QR code found in your show guide.
Next, our world-class Painting Competition has amazing entries every year and there will be expert, special guest judges presenting our all new, prestigious and thematic trophies!
Also returning this year is our celebrity panels show: Hobby Heroes! Come and meet the authors of your favourite games and get top tips from famous painters, hobbyists, historians and wargamers from our main stage.
Throughout the day we’ll also have a Live "Paint It Yourself" Zone, The Too Fat Lardies Games Zone, Wargaming Workshops, Learn-to-Plays, Participation Games and chances to WIN PRIZES throughout the day!
Follow us on social media to keep track of all the news and updates on what's being added to the line-up on the day!
We look forward to seeing you there!
Get your gate!
With wargaming in mind, this year’s Official SALUTE Miniature has been designed so it can be seamlessly included into our tabletop gaming experiences.
However, we also know that we often like to display our chosen miniatures in a manner befitting our admiration.
This stand is designed by Steffan, one of our brilliant volunteers at the South London Warlords. Now you can display your SALUTE 52 miniature of James Macdonell in all its glory.
This square base is exactly 40mm x 40mm so will even fit in with standard basing conventions amidst your 28mm scale tabletop troops should you wish to use it on the battlefield.
And that’s not all: if you feel like making your own custom diorama then you can just print the gate separately from the base to allow for extra hobby potential. (Steffan has thought of everything!)
See Who's Attending
SALUTE 52 Exhibitors
5 Dice Games / GMD - www.fivedicegames.com - STAND: TK12
ABCbrushes - www.abcbrushes.com - STAND: TA11
Alchemist Models - https://alchemistmodels.com/ - STAND: TE03
All Rolled Up - https://www.allrolledup.co.uk - STAND: TH16
Anschluss Publishing Limited - Anschlusswargames.com - STAND: TD04
Anvil Industry Ltd - https://anvilindustry.co.uk/ - STAND: TH13
Archon Studio - https://archon-studio.com/ - STAND: TF06
Artmaster Ltd - - STAND: TE13
Asmodee - https://www.asmodee.co.uk - STAND: TB07
Baccus 6mm - www.baccus6mm.com - STAND: TH03
Bad Squiddo Games - https://www.badsquiddogames.com - STAND: TD06
Barrel of Dice - www.barrelofdice.com - STAND: TH10
Battle Foam - https://uk.battlefoam.com - STAND: TE04
Battleground Bobmack3d & Flank March Miniatures - https://battlegroundhd.com/ - STAND: TF13
Battlezone Miniatures - www.battlezone-miniatures.co.uk - STAND: TF04
BelloLudi - www.belloludi.nl - STAND: TM05
Beowulf Miniatures Printing - https://www.beowulfminiatures.com - STAND: TJ15
Bicorne Miniatures - www.bicorne.net - STAND: TA10
Black Scorpion Miniatures - www.blackscorpionminiatures.com - STAND: TJ12
Brigade Models Ltd - https://www.brigademodels.co.uk - STAND: TE15
Caliver Books - www.caliverbooks.com - STAND: TF02
Carlo's Miniatures - www.carlosminiatures.com - STAND: TM02
Cerberus Studios Limited - www.cerberus-studios.com - STAND: TC10
Colin Mathieson Comics - https://momentofadventure.blogspot.co.uk - STAND: TJ16
Crooked Dice Game Design Studio - www.crooked-dice.co.uk - STAND: TJ05
Cryptic Cabin - www.crypticcabin.com - STAND: TA02
Custom Patriot Games -https://patriotgames.uk/ TH12
David Lanchester Military Books - https://www.davidlanchestermilitarybooks.co.uk/ - STAND: TA17
Debris of War - www.debrisofwar.com - STAND: TJ14
Deep-Cut Studio - www.deepcutstudio.com - STAND: TD02
Department of Wargaming - https://www.departmentofwargaming.com - STAND: TB03
Dice Heads Ltd - http://www.dice-heads.com - STAND: TM04
Diehard Miniatures - https://diehardminiatures.com - STAND: TL11
Duncan Rhodes Painting Acadamy - www.transatlantisgames.com - STAND: TD03
Element Games Ltd - https://elementgames.co.uk/ - STAND: TK07
Ellis Accessories - - STAND: TD11
Empress Miniatures - https://www.empressminiatures.com - STAND: TM14
Encounter Terrain - www.instagram.com/encounterterrain - STAND: TE10
Entoyment - www.entoyment.co.uk - STAND: TD10
Essex Miniatures - www.essexminiatures.co.uk - STAND: TD16
Eureka Miniatures UK - https://www.eurekaminuk.com - STAND: TK11
Famous By Our Swords - https://www.instagram.com/eoinmcminis/ - STAND: TF12
Farplace Animal Rescue - https://www.farplacegames.com - STAND: TA04
Fenris Games - https://fenrisgames.com/shop - STAND: TD05
Flag Dude - http://www.redeagleminiatures.co.uk/ - STAND: TA06
Footsore Miniatures and Games Ltd - www.footsoreminiatures.co.uk - STAND: TK14
Forbidden Psalm - www.forbiddenpsalm.com - STAND: TJ04
Forgemaster Miniatures Limited - https://forgemasterminiatures.com/ - STAND: TJ06
Foundry Miniatures Ltd - https://www.wargamesfoundry.com/ - STAND: TK10
Four Score Woodwork - https://www.fourscorewoodwork.com/ - STAND: TE02
Free League Publishing - https://freeleaguepublishing.com/ - STAND: TK06
GamersGrass - https://gamersgrass.com/ - STAND: TD07
GCT Studios Ltd - www.gctstudios.com - STAND: TB05
GloForce - https://gloforce.com/ - STAND: TM09
Goblin King Games - www.moonstonethegame.com - STAND: TA05
Godcone Miniatures - https://www.instagram.com/godcone_miniatures/ - STAND: TC05
Great Escape Games - https://greatescapegames.co.uk - STAND: TA12
GRINGO40S - www.gringo40s.com - STAND: TJ10
HammerLine Ltd - https://www.hammerline.co.uk/ - STAND: TJ11
Harps Corporation Ltd - www.harpscorp.com - STAND: TM13
Helion & Company Publishing - www.helion.co.uk - STAND: TB04
Heroics & Ros Ltd - https://www.heroicsandros.co.uk/ - STAND: TL10
Hobby Hires - The Mini Painters Guild - www.hobbyhires.com - STAND: TK03
IGSMinis - https://irongatescenery.co.uk/ - STAND: TA16
Institute of Cancer Research - - STAND: TE16
Last Man Last Bullet - https://www.lastmanlastbullet.co.uk - STAND: TA15
Leisure Games - https://www.leisuregames.com - STAND: TM07
Loke Battle Mats - www.lokebattlemats.com - STAND: TC03
Mammoth Factory Games - www.mammothfactorygames.com - STAND: TC01
Mammoth Miniatures - www.mammothminiatures.com - STAND: TF05
Mantic Games - https://www.manticgames.com/ - STAND: TB12
Marquee Models - www.mmodels.co.uk - STAND: TA14
Marziali Ltd - https://www.marzialitravel.com/ - STAND: TD14
Master Crafted Miniatures - https://mastercrafted.co.uk/ - STAND: TB06
Melsonian Arts Council - https://www.melsonia.com/ - STAND: TE11
Modiphius Entertainment - www.modiphius.net - STAND: TL12
Modular Worlds Ltd - www.modularworlds.co.uk - STAND: TB13
Mould Plas Ltd - - STAND: TF03
Mystery Dice Goblin - www.mysterydicegoblin.com - STAND: TJ02
Necropolis x Blightbones - https://www.patreon.com/Necropolis28 - STAND: TM15
Neills Materials / Ameralabs - www.neillsmaterials.co.uk - STAND: TH02
Nervosa Games - https://nervosa.games/ - STAND: TC12
Oakbound Studio - https://www.oakbound.co.uk - STAND: TM06
Oathsworn - https://oathsworn.net - STAND: TB11
Offensive Miniatures - https://www.offensiveminiatures.com/ - STAND: TL04
Olmec Games Ltd - https://www.thedrownedearth.com - STAND: TJ13
Ontos Games - https://ontosgames.co.uk/ - STAND: TA07
Osprey Games - www.ospreygames.co.uk - STAND: TM03
Pandyman Entertainment - https://www.pandyman.co.uk - STAND: TL13
Parabellum Miniatures - Parabellumminiatures.etsy.com - STAND: TD17
Paul Meekins Books - www.paulmeekins.co.uk - STAND: TK02
Pemberleys of Baker Street Ltd - - STAND: TJ03
Pendraken - www.pendraken.co.uk - STAND: TH14
Perry Metals (Dave Thomas) - dave.thomas103@ntlworld.com - STAND: TA08
Perry Miniatures - www.perryminiatures.com - STAND: TE07
Planet Smasher Games - https://planetsmashergames.com - STAND: TH15
Products for Wargamers - https://url Products for Wargamers - STAND: TM10
Pumpernickle Games - https://pumpernicklegames.etsy.com - STAND: TF11
Realms of Tiberium - www.realmsoftiberium.com - STAND: TE06
Renedra Limited - www.renedra.co.uk - STAND: TE05
Rogue Hobbies - Https://Roguehobbies.com - STAND: TM18
ROK Minis - www.rokminis.com - STAND: TD12
Rubicon Models UK LTD - www.rubiconmodels.co.uk - STAND: TM17
Sarissa Precision Limited - www.sarissa-precision.co.uk - STAND: TK15
Sheppey Models - https://sheppeymodels.co.uk - STAND: TD15
SMFX Models and More - https://www.smfxmodels.co.uk - STAND: TC11
Spectre Miniatures Ltd - www.spectreminiatures.com - STAND: TD13
Tangent Miniatures / Twisted Pinnacle 3D Printing - https://www.tangentminiatures.com/ - STAND: TH11
Taro Modelmaking Ltd - www.taromodelmaker.com - STAND: TH12
The Colour Forge - www.thecolourforge.com - STAND: TC13
The Cultural Experience - https://www.theculturalexperience.com/ - STAND: TM08
The Dice Miners - https://www.thediceminers.com/ - STAND: TH05
The Gaming Vault - www.thegamingvault.net - STAND: TA03
The Last Valley - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057509227704 - STAND: TM11
TheDiceShopOnline (SquashGoblin) - www.thediceshoponline.com - STAND: TC06
Titan-Forge - www.titan-forge.com - STAND: TE17
TooFatLardies - www.toofatlardies.co.uk - STAND: TM12
Trident Futureworks Ltd - https://www.instagram.com/trident_futureworks - STAND: TB02
Tritex Games Ltd - www.tritex-games.co.uk - STAND: TE12
TTCombat - https://ttcombat.com - STAND: TH06
Twilight Miniatures - www.worldoftwilight.com - STAND: TK04
Uhrwerk Verlag - https://www.uhrwerk-verlag.de/ STAND: TA13
Void Scar Miniatures - www.voidscarminiatures.com - STAND: TC04
Warbases - https://warbases.co.uk/ - STAND: TE08
Wargames Illustrated - https://www.wargamesillustrated.net - STAND: TL02
Warlord Games Limited - https://store.warlordgames.com/ - STAND: TB10
WarMag - www.warmag.com - STAND: TH04
Warp Miniatures/Arcworlde - www.warpminiatures.com - STAND: TL03
Warpaint Figures - https://www.warpaintfigures.com - STAND: TC02
Wayland Games Ltd - https://www.waylandgames.co.uk/ - STAND: TF10
West Wind Productions/Forged in Battle - www.westwindproductions.co.uk - STAND: TM16
Word Forge Games - https://wordforgegames.com/ - STAND: TK05
YS Masterpieces - www.ysmasterpieces.com - STAND: TK13
Zinge Industries - https://www.zinge.co.uk/ - STAND: TE14
Games & Displays
1/72 Wargames - Dargai Heights 1897 - STAND: GC05
79th Cameron Highlanders - Reenactors - STAND GC02
A Few Brits and the Hobby - Battlegroup WW2 - STAND: GD14
Abingdon Wargames Club - Asteroids - STAND: GD11
All Hell Let Loose - Bloody Omaha - STAND: GL06
Barrel of Dice - 45 Minute RPG Fiascos - STAND: GJ10
Anschluss Publishing Limited - The Defence of Tobruk 1941 - STAND: GD04
Ashford Gaming Club - Crypt Hulk and Tarati's Castle - STAND: GC14
Asmodee - Star Wars Shatterpoint - STAND: TB07
Asmodee - Star Wars Legion - STAND: TB07
Asmodee - Marvel Crisis Protocol - STAND: TB07
Asmodee - A Song of Ice and Fire - STAND: TB07
Bad Squiddo Games - Colouring In Zone - STAND: GD06
Battleground Bobmack3d & Flank March Miniatures - BattlegroundHD Cold War Skirmish - STAND: GF12
BattleTech UK South East - BattleTech - STAND: GC07
BelloLudi - Oosterbeek 1944 - STAND: GM04
Beowulf Miniatures Printing - TBC - STAND: GJ14
To the Strongest! - Louis Quatorze’s Warses - STAND: GC03
Brecon Wargames Club - DAK ATTACK - STAND: GD15
Bunny Badger Games / Frothers - Mars Defends! - STAND: GL05
Trans Atlantis Games - Two Thin Coats Paint and Take - STAND: GD03
Continental Wars Society - Battle of Gurguljat - STAND: GK12
Cornwall Wargames Association - Port Royal - STAND: GF10
Cornwall Wargames Association - Brandy for the Parson - STAND: GF10
Corvus Belli - Infinity the Game - STAND: GA10
Corvus Belli - Warcrow - STAND: GA10
Crooked Dice Game Design Studio - 7TV - The Cinematic Skirmish Game - STAND: GJ04
Crow Industries - Dune - STAND: GA17
Dave Brown (TFL/Reisswitz) - - STAND: GM13
Deep-Cut Studio - Speedpaint Marker workshop - STAND: GD02
Eaviest Metal - Speed Painting Competition - STAND: GJ03
Essex Warriors - STAND: GD08
Famous By Our Swords - - STAND: GF11
Farplace Animal Rescue - Days Games - STAND: GA03
Fenris Games - Rubble City Rumble - STAND: GD05
Footsore Miniatures and Games Ltd - Barons War - STAND: GK14
Footsore Miniatures and Games Ltd - Gangs of Rome - STAND: GK14
Form Square Games - Limits of Glory - STAND: GL11
Free League Publishing - Zone Wars - STAND: GK07
Friends of General Haig - Breaking the Stalemate, Iran Iraq War - STAND: GH09
Game Masters of Windsor - STAND: GJ02
Garry David Wills - The Best Army in Europe - the Battle of Pirmasens 1793 - STAND: GK10
GCT Studios Ltd - Bushido - STAND: GA05
Generals Outpost - Battle Waagh!’s - STAND: GK03
Gentlemen’s Wargames Parlour - “Like cricket - but with guns” - STAND: GC04
Goblin King Games - Moonstone Fantasy Skirmish - STAND: GA04
Gordon’s Regiment, Scots Brigade - Reeneactors - STAND GL15
Gravesend Gamers Guild - Gaslands Neon Streets - STAND: GA07
Great Escape Games - DEAD MAN’s HAND REDUX - STAND: GA12
GriffCon - Hobby Lounge - Free Kitbashing and Painting - STAND: GM06
Haverhill Wargamers - Twilight-Chronicles of Anyaral - STAND: GK04
Heroes Super Combat - Heroes Super Combat - STAND: GL02
Hornchurch Wargames Club - TBA - STAND: GK13
Hugo’s Heroes - Trangen 1808 - STAND: GJ11
Ilford Wargames Group - Rocketeers Guide to Rocketships - STAND: GJ06
Ioan Davies-John - Packing Heat - STAND: GC11
Joe Bilton (TFL/Reisswitz) - - STAND: GM12
King’s Wargaming Network - King’s Wargaming Network (King’s College London) - STAND: GG07
Kitbash Korner - Kitbash Korner - STAND: GJ15
Lasting Games - Butcher & Bolt - STAND: GL07
Loughton Strike Force - Warsaw 44 - STAND: GA11
Magrathea Builder Of Worlds - What Lies Beneath... - STAND: GJ05
Maidstone Wargames Society - Battlezone - Futuristic Tank Warfare in 1980 - STAND: GK11
Mantic Games - Halo: Flashpoint - STAND: GA16
Mark Backhouse (TFL/Reisswitz) - - STAND: GM10
Marquee Models - Star Wars Legion - STAND: GA15
Masterstroke Games - Force of Virtue - STAND: GJ16
Models For Heroes - Donate and Create - STAND: GH11
Modiphius Entertainment - Fallout Factions - STAND: GL12
Nick Vian Games (NVG) - FOXHOUNDS - STAND: GK02
Oakbound Studio - The Woods: Piper at the Gates of Dawn - STAND: GM05
Oathsworn - Burrows & Badgers - STAND: GA13
Olmec Games Ltd - The Drowned Earth - STAND: GJ13
Olmec Games Ltd - Ulaya Chronicles - STAND: GJ13
OSHIROmodelterrain - Sengoku period Japan skimish - STAND: GC13
Osprey Games - Hairfoot Jousting - STAND: GM02
Pandyman Entertainment - Trench Offensive - STAND: GL13
Para Bellum Games - Miniature Fantasy game - STAND: GC12
Parabellum Miniatures - Struggle for Middle Earth - STAND: GD16
Pendraken - Future War Commander - STAND: GH10
Per Broden and Wyre Forest Wargamers - The Crossing of Düna 1701 - STAND: GL09
Peter’s Paper Boys - Wofun 10mm Napoleonic - STAND: GM07
Peterborough Wargames Club - Alpha Strike introduction - STAND: GK08
Planet Smasher Games - Gaslands - STAND: GH12
Planet Smasher Games - Pukeapocalypse - STAND: GH12
Real Time Wargamers - The White Cockade; Pretender, Prince, King - STAND: GL03
Retired Wargamers Reloaded - Gotterdammerung Berlin 45 - STAND: GA06
Reverance Games - Last Living Souls - STAND: GF08
ROK Minis - Small scale demo games - STAND: GD12
Rubicon Models UK Ltd - Oscar Mike Vietnam - STAND: GM14
Sarissa Precision Limited - TBC - Sarissa CMYK - STAND: GK15
Scimitar Games Group - WAAAGH MACHINES - STAND: GG04
Skirmish Wargames - Shootout at Excel City. - STAND: GC06
Society of Ancients - Battle of Gaugamela 331 BC - STAND: GF09
South London Warlords (Grond!) - Grond! At the gates of Pelennor - STAND: GS03
South London Warlords Club Space - - STAND: GS02
South London Warlords Hall of Fame Game - - STAND: GS01
Spectre Miniatures Ltd - Spectre Operations - STAND: GD13
Tangent Miniatures / Twisted Pinnacle 3D Printing - Dystopia City – Rookie Night! - STAND: GH08
The Shed Gaming Club - Battles of Westeros - STAND: GL14
Titan Owners Club - Titan Walk - STAND: GG06
TooFatLardies - Chain of Command v2 - STAND: GM11
TTCombat - RUMBLESLAM Mega Brawl - STAND: GJ07
TTCombat - Half Tilt - STAND: GJ07
Tunbridge Wells Wargaming Society - Warhammer Fantasy Battle (7th Ed) - STAND: GM03
Twilight Miniatures - World of Twilight - The Wandering Engineer - STAND: GK05
Twilight Miniatures - Bug Hunt - STAND: GK05
Uhrwerk Verlag - Chronopia - STAND: GA14
Veterans Wargames Association - Digital Racing - STAND: GG05
WarFulcrum Games – 1918 - 1918 - Battle of Belleau Wood & 1918- Battle of Villers-Bretonneux - STAND: GD07
Warlord Games Limited - Warlord - STAND: GC10
Warp Miniatures/ ArcWorlde - ArcWorlde - The Fantasy Skirmish Wargame - STAND: GL04
Wars of the Gelderland Succession - Vauban’s Wars - STAND: GG02
Weymouth Levellers Wargames Club - AK47 - STAND: GD10
Whitehall Warlords - The Ballad of Kinmont Willie - STAND: GG03
Wigmore Warriors - Clearing up After Naseby - STAND: GA02
Word Forge Games - SAS Rogue Regiment - STAND: GK06
Yarkshire Gamer - The Battle of Mentana 1867 “Rome or Death” - STAND: GL10
Yorkshire Renegades - Starship Troopers: Bourbon Outpost - STAND: GJ12