We’re thrilled that you’re interested in our PR, Media, Sponsorship and Marketing opportunities for SALUTE!
If it’s your first time, welcome to SALUTE, we hope your first experience is everything you hoped! For the grizzled veterans, we’re pleased to see you back on the show floor growing the hobby, sharing your gaming creations and selling your amazing products to all the guests.
Here we lay out our plans for promoting SALUTE, your business and your customers. We also have opportunities and sponsorship options which you can read more about below. Scroll down to see our full list!
The Basics:
All exhibitors will have their company name and website link listed in the show guide. This list will also be promoted on our website and we’ll direct our audience to it through our media channels.
social media:
If you are sponsoring or contributing to the show in other ways, such as providing items for our visitor bags, then we will continue to shout about how great you are!
If you are launching a new product or any other show exclusive deals/offers let us know. We would love to collaborate to promote your work and provide your “SALUTE moment”, giving you extra reach. You can email our team about booking a slot in our media schedule.
If you wish to coordinate with us about booking a slot in our media schedule, please click this button.
Our tags:
Twitter: @SLondonWarlords Facebook: @SLWarlords Instagram: @slwsalute
Please tag @slwsalute on Instagram, or @SLWarlords on Facebook, in any of your posts and stories. We will try to share these with our large and growing audience (some 6000 and growing across multiple platforms) to promote your stall and products at SALUTE.
Advertising in our show guide:
At the end of every November we compile everything needed to populate our show guide. This then gets sent to our publishers so it can be formatted and ultimately printed in time for the SALUTE in the following spring. If you are an exhibitor, we will pass your details onto our publisher who will contact you at the start of December about securing advertising space within the show guide. This part of the process is handled outside of the SALUTE team.
A note on sponsorship:
As we are a non-profit organisation and we operate sponsorship opportunities as an open process. So any exhibitor can apply to sponsor SALUTE and we don't allow larger businesses to "outbid" our smaller vendors. The amount we ask for in the opportunities set out below is set at what we need to ensure the longevity of the show. Once we reach the middle of November, we look to confirm our sponsors for the upcoming show and in the case of multiple interests - we determine the chosen sponsor randomly. This gives every business equal chance to get involved in our sponsorship programme.
SALUTE is the largest wargaming convention in Europe and we want to make sure we use that platform to elevate the industry and support our exhibitors. We are keen to work with sponsors to develop our sponsorship areas and offerings and welcome any ideas you have.
If you have any questions about the promotion at the show or any PR questions in general, please send an email to PR@salute.co.uk
Trader Stand Bag
We are looking to provide each SALUTE Trader stand with a Trader Bag including a SALUTE programme and official SALUTE miniature.
This is also an opportunity for traders to make new contacts, and promote services and products to other businesses by the inclusion of your business card, promotional leaflet, product sample or whatever works for you.
We will put your items in all bags to be distributed to the traders. The more exhibitors who get involved with this, the better the Trader bags will be.
Once we have a final list of traders we will let you know how many items are needed. it’s likely to be between 150 and 200.
SALUTE Digital Miniature(s)
Show off your sculpting skills to the industry!
We always provide a physical miniature and in recent years we’ve opened up space for a digital miniature.
We are looking for a sculptor to provide a free STL of a digital miniature in keeping with this year’s SALUTE theme. The STL only needs to be made available online through your website on the day of the event.
We will provide a QR code link to this STL in our show guide. We’ll also include you in our pre-show PR on our website and social media channels and provide a highlight of your work in our show guide.
Note: We’ll look to confirm a provider for this by the middle of November.
The Official SALUTE Miniature
Every year the SALUTE team approaches a talented sculptor who we think is going to make the most enigmatic miniature and a trusted manufacturer who can supply the event.
Could this be you?
This is a paid commission by the SALUTE team for a unique “one off” miniature.
We’ll need a minimum of 5000 miniatures to put in the SALUTE goodie bags.
This is not a bid process, the SALUTE team will only approach sculptors and manufacturers based on their merit.
Are you interested in putting your name forward for our team to review for a future SALUTE?
Goodie Bag Leaflets
We can put a limited number of leaflets into the show goodie bags for our first 6000 visitors. You may supply a leaflet of maximum size A5.
Minimum: 500. Maximum: 6000.
We will put these in the goodie bags to be distributed to all visitors.
We will charge you our packing costs of 5p per leaflet.
SPECIAL OFFER – FREE packing for up to 300 leaflets for any first time exhibitors.
We always have visitors waiting in the queue at the start of the event and they love to read through the material in their bags during this time.
Goodie Bag Freebie Products
Show off your products directly to some of 6000 attendees as we provide everyone with the SALUTE goodie bags!
Minimum: 100. Maximum: 6000.
We will provide FREE packing for all products provided for the goodie bags.
We will include you in our pre-show goodie bag PR.
We have also found some content creators also cover the content of the goodie bags post-show.
Goodie Bag ‘Golden Tickets’
We can put a limited number of Golden Tickets into the show goodie bags for our first 6000 visitors. Make a customer happy and get some in-show PR.
Minimum: 1. Maximum: 10.
We will pack random bags with a suitable golden ticket or token provided by you.
This ticket should be exchanged at your stand only on the day of the show.
We suggests that the minimum value is £25 per token.
We will include you in our pre-show goodie bag PR.
Hobby Heroes Panel Sponsor
Our discussion panels continue to grow as every year we cover new and excellent topics with some famous guests!
We are looking for up to 2 sponsors for all panels. We have 5 panels, including the Hobby Heroes finale panel.
You will be identified as a sponsor in the panel program on our website, in our email campaigns, social media channels, in the panel area on the day.
We welcome suggestions for panel participants.
Note: We’ll look to confirm sponsors for this by the middle of November.
Painting Competition Sponsor
We have changed our approach to sponsorship and prizes this year.
We are are continuing to award winning entrants Gold, Silver and Bronze medals designed to tie into SALUTE's high quality brand. The competition’s overall winner will also receive the coveted Salute Shield.
We are looking for up to 2 sponsors for the Painting Competition with a preference for a single sponsor.
In return you will be identified as a sponsor in our media channels, in the competition area, in the post event magazine articles and on our website.
Note: We’ll look to confirm sponsors for this by the middle of November.
Game Awards Sponsor
SALUTE continues to display some of the best games in the industry - but they aren’t run by us!
We are are continuing to award clubs for their hard work and dedication to the hobby through our established Game Awards.
We are looking for a single sponsor who can help us make these excellent clubs feel appreciated for their efforts.
In return you will be identified as a sponsor in our email campaigns, social media channels and be featured in post event magazine articles and on our website.
This is a lovely little sponsorship opportunity for a new attendee.
Note: We’ll look to confirm a sponsor for this by the middle of November.
Bags Sponsorship
SALUTE always looks to provide its visitors with bags which can end up containing all manner goodies!
Put your name on the bag every visitor will be holding!
We are looking for up to 2 sponsors who can help us to continue supplying these bags for this incredible event.
In return you will be identified as a sponsor in our email campaigns, social media channels and be featured on our website.
Note: We’ll look to confirm a sponsor for this by the middle of November.
We are also open to other thoughts and ideas to help you get the best out of SALUTE, from Pre-Show to On-the-Day and into the After-Show.
Do you have an idea?
Send us an email at PR@salute.co.uk or simply click on the button below to get started.