Thank you:

We would like to say a big thank you to Wayland Games for sponsoring the SALUTE 51 Painting Competition.

As a huge independent retailer of miniatures and wargames, they represent a core cross section of what SALUTE is all about.

You can check out their site here.

Best in Show: Jiazhou Guan’s Fyreslayers


Congratulations to Jiazhou Guan for taking home this year’s SALUTE Shield!

And finally a massive thank you to everyone who took the time to submit an entry to the competition, to Wayland Games for sponsoring the competition, to Wargames Illustrated for their excellent photography and to all the volunteers who made it possible.

This year’s judging panel included:

  • Adam Campbell

  • Kev Dallimore

  • Anthony Smith

  • Conrad Mynett

  • Mike Anderson

  • Jon Hart

  • Tommie Soule